Sunday, 24 January 2010

How Disney Represents Reality

Due to Disney's particular focus on family orientated animated films, Disney's products have developed their own unique representation of reality. Since Disney's first release, most of the company's animated films have retained this representation, and have acted as an example to a younger audience, attempting to eliminate messages that are unsuitable for a younger audience, while dividing current world affairs, such as ongoing wars, from the films. These elements of production are also clear in many of Pixar's films, which may have been one reason for Disney's particular interest in the company before taking it over.

Disney's films that are aimed towards an older audience are marketed seperatly, under a different distribution and production name, to ensure that there is no relationship between external world affairs and the internal world of Disney film.

Although the films contain elements of darkness and fictional evil, the films are overall very optimistic, with the equilibrium resulting in the 'hero' overcoming the 'nemesis', reassuring children and parents.

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